Upgrading Infrastructure: Transitioning from Digi PortServer TS to Digi Connect EZ

In the fast-evolving landscape of networking and infrastructure management, staying updated with cutting-edge technology is essential. For those currently utilizing Digi PortServer TS, the transition to Digi Connect® EZ presents a significant opportunity to enhance operational efficiency and streamline serial connectivity.

The Digi Connect EZ line is a family of complete serial connectivity solutions, with multiple options to meet a range of application needs. With Digi Connect EZ, you can expand the network connectivity and functionality of critical infrastructure, from oil and gas installations to precision machinery in manufacturing automation. These highly robust serial port servers support 1 Gb Ethernet and IPv6 networks in the harshest conditions. Read on to learn how you can quickly and easily migrate from Digi Portserver TS to Digi Connect EZ.

Understanding the Transition

The move from Digi PortServer TS to Digi Connect EZ marks a strategic shift towards a more advanced and efficient connectivity platform. Digi Infrastructure Management, a pioneer in providing reliable networking solutions, offers a seamless transition for users looking to upgrade their serial connectivity products.

Benefits of Transitioning

  1. Enhanced performance: Digi Connect EZ leverages the latest technology to ensure faster, more reliable serial connectivity. With improved throughput and reduced latency, it empowers your network to handle data more efficiently.
  2. Simplified management: The transition to Digi Connect EZ introduces a user-friendly interface,  Digi Navigator™ that simplifies device configuration and management. This ease of use allows for quicker setup and reduced troubleshooting time.
  3. Scalability and flexibility: As networks expand and requirements change, scalability becomes crucial. Digi Connect EZ offers enhanced scalability, accommodating the evolving needs of your infrastructure with Digi Remote Manager®.
  4. Security features: With security being a top priority in today's digital landscape, Digi Connect EZ integrates robust security capabilities, such as the built-in Digi TrustFence® security framework, to safeguard your network against potential threats and vulnerabilities.
  5. Reliability and durability: Digi infrastructure management solutions are known for their reliability and durability. The transition to Digi Connect EZ ensures a continuation of this legacy, providing a dependable solution for your serial connectivity needs.

Why Choose Digi Connect EZ?

Digi Connect EZ stands out as an innovative and reliable solution for serial connectivity. With its advanced features, seamless integration, and user-friendly interface, it represents the next step in the evolution of infrastructure management.

How to Transition from Digi PortServer TS to Digi Connect EZ

Transitioning from Digi PortServer TS to Digi Connect EZ is a straightforward process. Digi provides comprehensive resources and support to facilitate a smooth migration. See our technical brief to learn about our conversion assistance program.

Our features and capabilities chart offers further details to make the switch hassle-free.


In the dynamic landscape of infrastructure management, the transition from Digi PortServer TS to Digi Connect EZ emerges as a pivotal move towards modernization and efficiency. This upgrade not only enhances performance but also ensures your network stays aligned with the latest technological advancements.

Digi Connect EZ isn't just a product; it's a strategic investment in the future of your network infrastructure.

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